DevOps Advisory

Strategic Guidance for IT Infrastructure

DevOps Foundry is a DevOps consulting company that specializes in helping companies boost the agility of their IT infrastructure and improve internal collaboration. We provide our clients with strategic guidance to help them stay ahead of their competition.

DevOps Advisory

About DevOps Advisory

DevOps has rewritten the IT school of thought. It is an amalgamation of Development and Operations into a single IT unit designed to achieve technological value for the business. Its implementation varies from one practitioner to the next, but the constant underlying factor is that cloud migration necessitates new operational dynamics and DevOps is the only practice that enables this to be achieved efficiently.

DevOps cuts across multiple disciplines; Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, and Sharing. These are key tenets that may just remain terminologies if you don’t know how to implement and get them to work for your business.

We help businesses understand DevOps by rewriting their IT strategy, enabling them to achieve their objectives with minimum timelines and faster time to value. Our customers gain the liberty of fast transformation through this experienced partnership.

Why choose us?

At Devops Foundry, we analyze your current environment and plot an action plan by gathering data and forming situational awareness, the results of which are used to curate your requirements specifications to start the journey and build upon those requirements by;

  • Helping you understand the tools you need for your journey and giving guidance on what works and what doesn’t.
  • Help evaluate the existing culture and its strengths and weaknesses, showing synergies that can be built upon to inculcate DevOps into your culture.
  • Introduce our managed capabilities where applicable to complement your capacity to build such functions internally.
  • Give you practical, actionable steps to implement DevOps, while giving you the capability to measure progress.

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We Are Located

Westcom Point, Mahiga Mairu Ave.